Why Choose To Invest In Machakos County?
Machakos County Offers excellent connections with Kenya and the rest of the world through land and air. Driving distance from Nairobi Kenya’s Capital and largest city to Machakos is 63 kilometers (39 miles). The A109 highway connects Machakos to Nairobi, Jomo Kenyatta International Airport, and Mombasa, the primary port of entry to East Africa and Kenya’s second largest city.
There are unique opportunities within the county presented to investor from diverse backgrounds in a multitude of sectors including but not limited to Property Development, Universities, TVET Institutions and schools, Hospitals, Research & Development Facilities, Enterprise Incubation, ICT, Light manufacturing and Industry, Retail establishment, Hotels & Convention Centers, Entertainment, Utilities (Energy, Water), Infrastructure and Logistics
Feel free to contact us on either modes to know how to invest in Machakos County
Machakos County Headquarters
Town Hall, Machakos
Address: Box 1996-90100 Machakos, Kenya.
Call: (+254) 0772 513 113